Thursday, 2 June 2011

Story Board Changes

Looking at Hayley's animation for the marmot stealing the chicken, the Scene is not working in the film, the camera angle is all wrong, and it looks like the mongolian is just giving the chicken to the marmot, and theres some unnecessary animation on him grabbing the hat.

With only two weeks left, its a bit late to change the story but as its an important one then it should be changed now rather than the whole film not working later on......

David decided that it was a more important scene to get right so Rob and I came up with an Idea of the mongol in love with this chicken and then the marmot coming in and stealing it all shown through smooth camera pacing and slow zooms in.
The sequence: The marmot comes in from behind the Mongol, Then we see a close up of the mongol so happy and in love with the chicken, and then we see the marmots hand come in slowly and the mongols expression change. Then there is a cheeky smile from the marmot and he runs off........

We have spoken to hayley about changing the whole sequence and she said she will have a go with this scene. Rob will also be doing it too for his folders for second year as it was part of his idea. This would mean some of hayleys animation is now void, but it can still be used for her folders.....

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